123 Hitler's Escape After WW2

Adolf Hitler was the dictator of Nazi Germany, rising as the leader of the Nazi party before becoming the head of state and government in 1934.  During his dictatorship, he initiated the European theatre of  World War II by invading Poland in 1939.  He was closely involved in military operations throughout the war and was responsible for the creation of mobile death squads to perform mass executions on 6 million Jews, as well as Catholics, homosexuals, political dissidents, gypsies, and disabled people.  In addition, 3,000 children, mostly twins were experimented on and eventually killed.  Overall, he is thought to be responsible for the murder of 19.3 million civilians and POWs, with 28.7 million people dying as a result of military action – an unprecedented number.


In April 1945, as the war was winding down, Hitler was hiding out in a bunker. Hitler married his longtime partner Eva Braun just after midnight on April 29, then several hours later he shot himself in the head.  At the same time, his new wife Eva Braun and their dog, Blondi, each took a cyanide pill.  Their bodies were doused in gasoline and set on fire per his request.  Nothing remained of him except a portion of jaw bone and some teeth.


We know Hitler had body doubles, could one of them be the charred body that was found? Did he and his new wife survive and flee to Argentina? Did he escape to a secret base in Antarctica?  Or…  is he living on the dark side of the moon?