Hey, it’s Colleen.

Hi, it’s Kait.

And it’s Megan.

And we’re the 3SchemeQueens.

Join us as we discuss popular hoaxes and give you our comedic take on what is fact and what is fiction.

If you have a sense of humor and an open mind, come take this journey with us.

We’ll tell you what we think, and we’ll try to prove it to you.

Is this thing on?

Hey, guys, welcome back.

Hey, thanks for joining us.

Trying to make that intro a thing, if you can’t tell.

Yeah, that’s good, I like it.

How’s everybody doing today?

Well, it’s quite brick outside.


You know, cold enough that you feel like a brick?

Right, right, right.

Like an ice cube, but a nice brick.

Yes, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, I’m tracking, I’m tracking.

Yeah, you’re with me, you’re following.

Yeah, we’re heading to a holiday party after we record.

Yeah, this is like the 27th annual.

27th annual Wine, Women and Debt.

Yeah, we love it.

My theme tonight is going to be grandma pink.

Oh, mine’s grandma on a cruise.

Oh, I am still undecided on my outfit, so we better get through this.

But looking forward to a little wine.

And women.

Yes, love women.

And a little shopping.

Yeah, we’re doing, this is just a super fun party that we have been going to for a while.

We’re just women sit around and drink wine and get silly.

Yeah, it’s like super fun.

And it’s been going on longer since Colleen’s been alive.

Literally, I’m 26.

Well, I just first want to give a little plug.

I want to thank our very first supporter of the show, Haley Grooms.

I love you, Haley.

Thank you so much.

I have known her since first grade.

How has she supported us, Megan?

Yeah, she donated.

She donated to buy us a cup of coffee.

So for anyone out there who does want to support the show, the link is available on the Buzzsprout web page, or you can go to our Instagram bio, and of course, in all of our show notes, there’s a link.

So feel free to click, make a donation if you feel so inclined, and we’ll be sure to give you a shout out in a future episode.

You can also support us by using one of our affiliate Amazon links in all the same places I mentioned, and you can purchase any additional content related to the topics we’re discussing on the podcast.

You can always follow us on X, Twitter now, known as X, Facebook, Instagram.

We have all of it now.

We’ve got it all now.

It took a lot of effort, but we have Facebook now.

Yeah, Kait’s going to get the Facebook and the Twitter, the X up and running here shortly, but we do have accounts, so feel free to follow us there.

The username is the same for all of the accounts.

The number three, 3schemequeens, all one word.

So yeah, check us out there.

And you can send us an email at 3SchemeQueens at gmail.com, particularly if you have any conspiracies you’re interested in hearing about or you have any thoughts.

Or love mail or hate mail.

Send it all to the Gmail.

I would love to hear your thoughts, especially if you have like, no, this is not true.

Or, oh my gosh, yes, I want you to keep going on that.

Or if you’re like an expert in one of these like topics we’re talking about.

We need your opinions.

An astrophysicist, for example, you know?

And you’re like, what they said was incorrect or correct.

We try to be correct.

We do.

We do a lot of research.

But, you know, feel free to reach out and educate us and tell us what you want to hear.

Yeah, educate us please.

Also, yeah, I just want to shout out all of the people that have reached out to us on social media and…

It’s been very exciting.

It has via text message, any way that you have reached out to us.

We so appreciate you guys.

Like, can’t believe it.

It’s also been really interesting to see that, like, we’re not the only people…


Like, you can pretty much talk to anybody and they’re like, oh man, have you heard the one about…

And normally we have because we live on the Internet and we are…

We got a long list.

We crawl out of our caves to record this.

But yeah, thanks, guys.

It’s been a lot of support.

We appreciate it.

Thank you so much.

It’s the best.

So is it time for a drink check?

Drink check.

Oh, my God.

That’s good.

That’s my favorite part of the day.

Okay, Maggie, what you drinking?

You guys, I am drinking the old Reliable Diet Coke.

The old Reliable Diet Coke.

We almost have it in our laws.


That we have to have a Diet Coke.

So far, we’ve had a Diet Coke every episode.

Yeah, I know.

Diet Coke sponsor us.

We love Diet Coke.

We’re Diet Coke addicts, and it’s really slapping this morning.

How about you guys?

What are you drinking?

I’ve got a nice little Compass coffee here.

Just regular coffee with a little oat milk, as Megan calls it, my boring coffee.

But you know what?

I’d rather drink more coffee than milk.

So that’s my hot take for this morning.

Coffee over lattes.

I feel targeted because I’m also drinking a Compass latte that is in fact very milky.

But you guys, I don’t know if everyone knows this, but espresso, there’s like two shots of espresso in that.

I think.

I actually don’t know how.

I think a regular is two to three.

I don’t know how Compass makes theirs, but I know Starbucks makes their medium drink with two shots.

Two shots of espresso has less caffeine than actual coffee does.

I like the flavor of espresso very much.

I thought you liked the flavor of milk.

That too.

But also, in case anyone’s interested, in a different life, Kait was a barista, so she is our coffee expert.

And Kait, I don’t think your coffee order is boring.

I just think it’s funny that whenever I’m like, do you even want some coffee?

She’s like, no, it’s too expensive for my coffee and oat milk, which is like a maybe $2 drink.

That’s more ridiculous.

Enjoy your drink.

You like what you like, you know?

All right.

What are we talking about today, Maggie?

Yeah, we’re going to talk about a good one.

We’re going to talk about the Montauk Project.

The Montauk Project.

And I do want to warn everybody upfront.

This one is a little more complicated, so it is going to be a little bit longer than our previous episodes.

So we’re going to go ahead and release this in two parts, but we are not going to make you wait until next week for part two.

So just be forewarned.

All right.

So this is what we need you to know about the Montauk Project before we go into any of the details.

If you have not seen Stranger Things, this is a spoiler alert.

Everything that has happened from the beginning of Stranger Things to the end of the last season, which was the fourth season, is fair game.

So spoiler warning for those who have not seen Stranger Things.

Also, if you have not seen Stranger Things, check it out on Netflix.

We love it.

And honestly, what have you been doing?

Because it’s a cultural phenomenon.

I think if you haven’t watched it, you probably have no intention of watching it.

And so you can feel free to listen.

But yeah, for sure.

We’re going to talk about some Stranger Things stuff.

So if you haven’t, if you haven’t planned, come back and listen to us later.

Okay, so I’ll start with a little summary for you guys.

In the picturesque vacation town of Montauk, New York is an abandoned Air Force base.

Camp Hero was built in 1942 and was used by the Air Force during World War II as a coastal defense system.

Between 1971 and 1983, there are reports of the US government experimenting in an underground bunker.

These experiments included time travel, teleportation, mind control, alien contact, and even the staging of the, quote, fake Apollo moon landing.

Wait, what?

I know.

Guys, moon landings are coming in a couple weeks, I think.

I can’t believe…

I’m already digressing, I haven’t gotten through the summary.

But what I’m learning as we do this is that, like, the conspiracy theories are all intertwined, right?

Like, you believe one and you’ve got to believe, like, ten.


So anyway, back to the summary before we get into the discussion.

So allegedly, the purpose of these Cold War experiments were to develop psychological warfare and were performed under US authority using Nazi gold recovered during World War II.

Nazi gold?

I’ve never heard.

I’ll tell you about the Nazi gold in a minute.

Like the Nazi gold rush?

I believe there was gold on a Nazi train that Americans found and they took it.

And then I’ll have to talk about funding for this and why we had to use the Nazi gold.

I love a train sequence in the movie.

So this conspiracy theory originated based on reports of Al Bielek, who remember we talked about last week, and Preston Nichols who claim to be program directors of the Montauk experiments before having their memories wiped as well as people who report having been experimented on.

So guys, what are you thinking?

What are your initial thoughts where we discuss it?

Did it happen?

Did it not?

Immediately, what the hell?

Everything’s connected?

Yeah, the whole moon landing, I’m like, wait a second.

I’m starting to feel like that meme from the Philly, it’s always sunshiny, wait, it’s always sunny in Philadelphia, where he’s like, yeah, oh my, like in front of the board.

We’re gonna post it on the ground.

Yeah, I’m like, what the?

I like in researching this topic before we like, when we decided we were going to talk about this, I had been, I’ve been to Montauk, but I can’t remember, like, and we went to the state park, but I cannot remember the building with the, wait a second, did they wave my mind?

I was just gonna say, can you purposely not remember?

Wait, because we like walked around there, I went up into the lighthouse.

Well, they even say that you can’t go up there anymore.

The banana antenna, is that what you’re talking about?

The massive antenna, they wanted to take the antenna down, but sailors and boaters were like, we can see the antenna better than we can see the lighthouse, so please keep it there.

So it’s interesting that you’re like, I saw the lighthouse, but where was this big antenna?

I will post a picture on a reel for you guys.

Yeah, but yeah, so it’s just interesting that people are like, how can you miss it?

And I’m like, I don’t remember it, but also is that intentional?

I was gonna say, was it on purpose?

Oh, I’ve just looked up specifically the antenna.

That thing’s huge.

Yeah, it’s huge, and it looks like a banana.

That’s what they call it, the banana antenna.

That’s crazy.

Okay, so initial thoughts is like, I would like to hear more.


Okay, Philadelphia Project.

So Al, what’s his name?


Al Bielek.

Yeah, Al Bielek decided that, he came forward, he’s like, I have all these repressed memories because he watched a movie.

And he was like, I remember this boat and being a part of the Montauk Project.

And so I feel like you kind of have to believe him, right?

Do you have to believe the Philly Experiment to believe this?

Well, you know, because I didn’t really believe that.

Yeah, we’re gonna talk about it, I guess.

Yeah, we’ll get into, I’ll refresh you guys on Al and Al’s story.

Yeah, I think I’ve kind of just given you a crazy story without any information, so it’s kind of hard to have like an initial impression.


But we’ll talk about it and then see where we all fall, okay?

So Al Bielek, he watched the film, The Philadelphia Experiment, which was released in the 80s.

And I think we linked to that in our Amazon store.

But he saw this film, this like B film and suddenly had deja vu, right?

He had this deja vu and he was able to unlock all of his repressed memories of his involvement in both the Philadelphia Project and the Montauk Project.


And I’m gonna need Kait’s help because the most confusing part of this is the timelines.

I mean, I had to like research and research.

I was so confused by the timelines because there’s a lot of time travel here.

I’m so glad we have an expert.

Yes, in Stranger Things.

And in timelines.

Disney Plus.

Oh, right.

Loki, Loki.

Once again, Disney is our source.

Nerd alert.


Okay, so I have to like read this part to you about these timelines because it’s so wild.

Okay, so Al Bielek, after he watches this film, he says, oh my gosh, I’m not even Al Bielek.

My real name is Edward Cameron.

I was born in 1916.


And me and my brother, Duncan Cameron, were both aboard the USS Eldridge.

That’s the boat from the Philadelphia experiment.

Okay, and that was, the experiments were allegedly like in the 40s, right?

Because it was like during World War II.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yes, World War II where Einstein.

Yeah, Einstein was alive.

Okay, guys, I just want to digress here and say that my husband called me out for not knowing that Einstein helped.

I had no clue.

Make the atomic bomb.

I knew that.

He didn’t really help make the atomic bomb.

But then you didn’t know that he was alive during World War II.

I didn’t know when he died.

I just want to be clear that maybe I just didn’t know.

One of us did know.

He lived a lot longer than you realize.


But anyway, I had no idea that Albert Einstein was one of the creators in the atomic bomb.

But now that makes sense.


He was involved.

He wrote a letter saying we should do this because we want to be Germany.

But I think that all came back to me, that history after.

I got to be honest afterwards.

You listened to a podcast and then your repressed memories came back.

But I did know he was alive.

And Bourbon Boy was not the only person to give us feedback about not knowing.

To be clear, Bourbon Boy, he definitely knows his history and he calls me out on it all the time.

Bourbon Boy is too smart.

About certain things.

We got to knock him down.


So he comes up with this random name Edward Cameron that it’s also very close to Edward Cullen.

Oh, I would like to point out that it’s close to Kirk Cameron.

Oh, I was thinking Edward Cullen.

Who’s also a conspiracy theorist.

I was thinking, oh.

I would believe was alive at that time and died from the Spanish flu.

Who directed Titanic?

Who directed Titanic?

James Cameron.

James Cameron.

We got like a two-parter on Titanic coming.

So through a theme through this is that Cameron is a very popular name in conspiracy theories.




So he and his brother were both on the Eldridge and they jumped overboard when the green, you know, we talked to the green mist and Kait gave us a very good scientific explanation of St.emos fire.

So when this green mist started, they jumped overboard and then they traveled to a number of different places in a number of different years and ended up at Camp Hero in August 1983.

Okay, so they were born in the 1990s, 1990s, 1990s, and then, so like, technically, they should be like 64 when they’re at in 1983.

Yeah, 64.

Okay, but but here’s, I guess, again, where it gets very confusing.

Yeah, we’re gonna talk about the aging because the aging is weird.

So, so the way I have a question, they jump in the water and the water triggers.

Well, I think they’re trying to like transport.

We’re getting out of here.

And so that when they leap off the boat, they get like time, they go through, they get stuck in the mist.

The time.

Oh, time, space, continuum.

Yes, they enter the time, time, space, continuum, much like Loki and Thor and Thor Ragnarok.

And then they have to like, they get thrown out and then they like have to they enter different places.

You guys know what I’m talking about?





You know who Loki is.


Oh, my God.

I don’t know who Loki is.

I know who Thor is.

The guy with the yeah, the guy with the hammer.



Loki’s like his bad boy brother.

Oh, is Loki British?


And we all know who that is.


Yeah, we do.

Taylor Swift’s ex.


Getaway car.

So it’s 1983 now.

We have no idea how old he really is.

And they’ve got, well, we’ll talk about the age again.

So we were in Philadelphia.

We jumped off the boat.

He says he went to a whole bunch of different places.

He ends up in New York, Montauk, 1983, where he meets John von Neumann, who was a famous physicist and mathematician who did exist.

But he died in 1957.

But he met him in the 80s.

In 1983.

So he sends them back to the USS Eldridge.

And he’s like, you need to destroy everything and you need to end this project.

So they go back to the USS Eldridge.

And when they time time, and I’m going to at the end, it’s all going to come together about how they did this time travel.


But they time travel back to the USS Eldridge.

They end up right in the middle of the experiment that was happening.

And so they’re in the bowels of the of the ship.

And so they’re able to be protected from all the people who are getting fused into the fuselage and all that.

They’re fine because they’re in the bowels.

In the bowels of the pleasure, then.

They said they transported and they instantly just start destroying everything.

And they end the experiment.

That’s how it ended up.

The ship reappears in Philadelphia and it’s all over, right?

So they ended the Philadelphia experiment, allegedly.

So they traveled back in time to make sure that the boat doesn’t end up in different places at different times.

Like, I think they were like, I mean, there must have been in a different timeline, as you explained to us, like negative repercussions of this whole Philadelphia experiment.

And so they’re like, you have to go back to stop it and save the world.



We’re going to have to draft a timeline and post that on the internet.

Yeah, they go back and they destroy the ship.

And then after that, just before the USS Eldridge returned to its appropriate timeline and terminated this experiment, Duncan went back through a time portal and returned to Montauk in 1983 because he was, quote, programmed to do so.


So now we’ve got these brothers.

We’ve got Al Bielek born in 1919 on the USS Eldridge and his brother Duncan is in Montauk and it’s 1983.

Oh my God.

So then apparently Duncan, once he gets to Montauk in 1983, he starts aging extremely rapidly.

So for every hour that passes, he ages a year.

Holy crap.

And it’s like Benjamin Button.

Tales of the Crypt.

And there’s this whole weird story that somebody who’s a part of the Montauk Project time traveled back to Duncan Cameron’s dad.

So we’ll call him Duncan Cameron Senior.

I don’t know.


And said, your son, Duncan Cameron Jr.

Daddy Cameron.

Can we call him Daddy Cameron?

Daddy Cameron, your son, your son is going to die.

And we need you to have another son to save him.

So Daddy Cameron.

And again, I can’t verify this.

This was very hard to verify.

Daddy Cameron became Daddy Cameron.

So Daddy Cameron has another baby, Duncan Cameron Jr.

I don’t know what you would call it if there’s like two juniors.

We’ll call him Double D.

Yeah, Double D.

I like that.

So we got Daddy Cams, we got Duncan Jr.

and Double D.

And Double D is born so that he can save Duncan Jr.’s life.

In the future.

In the future.

This really feels like a sci-fi film.

So Double D, he turns 12.

And then these Montauk Project people.

They take him?

They transfer Duncan Jr.

his mind and everything, like his essence, into the body of his 12-year-old brother, Double D.

And they say, you are now Duncan Cameron.

And wait, so Duncan Jr.

DJ, dies?

His body dies.

Yeah, we don’t know what happened to his body.

This is weird.

All right.

Okay, so now this 12-year-old Duncan takes over old Duncan’s work working on the Montauk Project.

And we’re in the 80s.


80s was a wild time.

The 80s really were.

And now, meanwhile, we have Edward still in his normal timeline on the boat, right?

I’m sorry, we don’t call it a boat when it’s the Navy.

It’s when it’s like a destroyer, the ship.


So I’m on a boat.

So he’s on the ship.

And he has like the opposite issue now, because he’s done all this time travel and got stuck in the…

He’s been too young.

He’s aging back.

Benjamin Button.

And so he becomes this toddler after going through all these age regression procedures.

And he is sent to live with the Mr.

and Mrs.


And they call it, they name him Al, I guess.


And he grows up and becomes involved in the Montauk experiments, which we’ll talk about here.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

When was he Edward?

So Edward was born in 1916, did all the time traveling.

And then he goes back to the like 40s.

The Philadelphia experiment.

To end the Philly experiment.

And then he gets rapidly de-aged and adopted and renamed Al.

By his adoptive parents.

Let’s revert back to how I decided that the Philadelphia project could actually have happened.

You went on like a rant about timelines.

Okay, timelines.

There is one sacred timeline.

We are on Earth one.


You believe that there’s Earth 34.

There could be an Earth of 34.

That’s where this is happening.


Okay, so I’m trying to figure out how to explain this with different timelines.

Now, we could say that he was born in 1916.

Yeah, 1916.

Okay, he somehow got transferred to Earth 33.

So let’s say he was born like Earth 44 in 1916.

And then he got hooked up with the Montauk projects on Earth 44, but maybe not in the 80s.

Maybe it was a different time on Earth 44.

But how is he able to jump around?

Well, I think because as Megan is about to reveal, what were they doing in Montauk?

They were time traveling.

Duncan created the Montauk chair, which you sit in.

It makes your psychic abilities, it magnifies them.

It makes it…


So the whole idea is that everyone…

There’s this different dimension that you can enter.

Oh, because this is what happens in Stranger Things.


There’s a different dimension that you can enter with your mind.

And the idea was that there are infinite realities, infinite timelines, infinite earths.

And if you can enter this dimension, then you can access your individual on a different dimension, a different earth.

So you enter this, and that’s what this chair was about.

I’m 100% following.

Did that make sense?


That’s what it said.

It makes sense, but it just sounds full of crack.

Yeah, yeah.

It sounds absolutely…

Okay, guys, the reason why we are referencing Stranger Things is because Stranger Things is supposed to be based on this actual project.

I mean, it was actually called…

The original Stranger Things was supposed to be called Montauk.



And then there was a lawsuit, and they had to change it.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

So it was going to be set in Montauk, New York on this base, but it had to get moved to Indiana.


It’s in Ohio.

It’s on Indiana.

I might trump…

I think I’m going to trump our Stranger Things expert.

Fact check.

I believe it’s Hawkins.

Hawkins, Indiana.

Look who the nerd is now.

So, yeah, so Stranger Things was supposed to be called Montauk.

And it was like, you know, that’s why Stranger Things is set in the 80s.

They’re doing experiments on children.

We have Eleven the child, and we’ll talk about some people who claimed to have been shot, children that were experimented on.

Again, because a lot of what we know is stories from these people.

So from Al, again, I don’t…

Al talks about Duncan, who it sounds like Al claimed he had to convince Duncan that this is the story, which makes it even more suspicious to me.


You persuade him that you were long lost brothers from different timelines.

So Al, who’s also Edward and Duncan, interacted?

Yeah, they worked together.

They worked together in Montauk.


And then obviously, they were together on the ship in the Philips experiment.

But Al had to convince Duncan.

Before they went their separate ways.

And then when they met, they were like…

Yeah, they were like…

If a man came up to me and was like, You’re my sibling.

You’ve aged rapidly, transferred brains.

No way I would believe him.


Because you said you were gullible.

I am.

Yeah, you’re right.

You would be like, hold on.

And I do often think things happened that didn’t happen.

Can you buy me coffee and tell me more?

So let me just tell you, I briefly also mentioned Preston Nichols, and then we’ll talk about the things that allegedly happened in this bunker underneath the base, right?

Who is this guy Preston?

So Preston Nichols.

Now he…

New character.

New character.

He self-published a book in 1992 called The Montauk Project, Experiments in Time.

Can you buy this book?

You can buy this book.

And you know what?

We’ll link to it with our Amazon affiliate links.

So he published this book after…

Like everyone’s recovering these memories.

They were all brainwashed, right?

So he recovered these memories of his time as a researcher for the Montauk Project.

And he said that this chair that Kait was talking about, the Montauk chair, at one point his bosses told him to switch on the chair and leave it running until August 12th, 1983, which is when the siblings ended up in their time travel from the Philadelphia experiment, right?

Oh, they come back to 83.

And so the fact that they left this running somehow is how they were able to create this wormhole from 1943 to 1983.

So they kept the chair running?

They were like, just keep the chair running until August 12th, 1983, which is when…

But no one was in the chair.

You just have to be outside of time.

I think when we think of time, you have to think of it…

We think of it in a linear fashion because that’s how we live it.

But if you think about time travel, you are outside of time.

So time doesn’t exist in time travel, right?


Yeah, because it’s like you’re choosing where you want to be.

So you’re not on…

Much like Loki in the last season.

You got to go watch it on Disney Plus.

Loki time travels, and it’s called time hopping.

And he can basically choose where he ends up in the timeline.

But the question is, how did they get that ability?

Do you have to sit in the chair?

Maybe the fact that the chair was on provided them that power.

There was electricity on both ends because we had the electricity coming from the Philadelphia experiment, and we had this electricity coming from the Montauk chair, and that’s how they had this wormhole, and that’s apparently how the time travel initially happened to get these people to Montauk.

So they get zapped.

So they zap from the boat to the boat.

The ship, sorry.

Maybe people don’t come through.

Maybe people always get mad when you talk about the boats.

It’s a big boat, not a boat.

It’s a ship.

Okay, so they get zapped from the ship to the chair, via the electricity, the electrical field.

The wormhole, I guess, or whatever, yes.

And I guess that’s how they get back.

But then the green flash.

But didn’t they jump off the boat?

I think they hit the water.

They jumped off the boat.

They go through the green mist.

They get stuck in the mist.

And the mist is where the drama happens.

That’s the field.

That’s the electric field.

So maybe by being in the mist, it like sent them through the wormhole to the chair.


And then they come back.

And then I’m not really clear on…

Again, they said they think that Duncan was programmed to be like, once you have accomplished your mission of ending the Philadelphia Experiment, you have to come back.

And so I’m not really sure how he got back.

But it sounds like all of this was through this chair being on and the green mist.


So let’s just say that from this moment, the chair in 1983 that has to stay on.


That is where they were before they went back to the ship.

And then that’s where they come back to.

So maybe they left time in the 80s and they went back to the 40s.

I gotta be on another level to understand.

Colleen and I are just staring at Kait with our mouths open, trying to comprehend.

I need something stronger than coffee.

It’s all making sense to me.

Hope it’s making sense to our listeners.

I think we should recap.

Al is not actually Al.

Al is Edward.

We’re going to call Al Al for the rest of this episode because Al is what he goes by now.

Al is what he is called in every documentary and every special.

But Al has claimed, yes.

So after this recap, we’re just going to call him Al.

Al claims that he was actually born at Edward and his adoptive parents named him Al.

After he became Benjamin Button.

So Al Bielek was a part of the Philadelphia Experiment but didn’t realize he was part of the Philadelphia Experiment until he saw the movie in 1980.

In 1988 or something, yes.

So in 1988, he sees this film.

He’s like, I lived this.

So the whole idea.

And then he’s like, they wiped my memories.

And then all of a sudden, it’s all rushing back to him.

He has this brother named Duncan.

Duncan and him are a part of this team to save the world because in the Philadelphia Experiment, something goes extremely wrong.

And they find out this in 1984 while they’re a part of the Montauk Experiment.

So during the Montauk Experiment, they’re like, you got to go back.

Who’s that guy that tells them to go back?


Newman’s like, you got to go back.

Something has happened that’s terribly wrong.

And we’re going to put you in this chair in 84.

We’re going to send you back to the 40s.

You have to make sure that you don’t get this boat to teleport.


Sorry, this destroyer.

This is going to be a running joke.

The boat destroyer ship to teleport.

We don’t want you to do that.

Okay, so that’s what they’re saying.

So they go back to the ship and they somehow stop the ship from teleporting.

They save the day.

There is still a green mist that we assume is from the chemical reaction from the electricity that they’re trying to get the ship to be invisible to the radar.

Not maybe to the naked eye, but invisible on the radar.

So when that happens, they jump out of the ship into the water, but they don’t hit the water.

They hit the green mist and they are teleported back to the chair in 1984, where Duncan has realized that this is all he has been created to do.

He ages very quickly, like a minute a year, a year a minute, becomes Tales of the Crypt guy with wrinkles all over him and just skin falling off of his face.

And somehow we go back in time to Daddy Cameron.

And Duncan Jr.

tells Daddy Cameron, we need a.

So he does his business.

With the same lady?

From what we know.

Yeah, does his business with the same lady.

And they create Double D.

Double D on this timeline turns 12, but Duncan Jr.


That’s the end of the story of we know this Duncan Jr.

After the other researchers at the Montauk Project do this sole relocation into the 12-year-old body, we don’t know what became of…

We know what happened to him.

It all sounds very likely when you describe it like this, Kait.

Yeah, exactly.

You’re good at this.

So 12-year-old Double D is now Duncan Jr.

but in a smaller body.

And then put into the Montauk experience.

A 12-year-old with a brilliant mind.

So he’s a 12-year-old with a very high IQ.

So he’s lived his whole life, but he’s a 12-year-old.

Do we know if Double D is part of the Montauk Project?

Or he just lives on?

He’s part of the Montauk Project.

He becomes an experiment.

So at 12 years old, Double D is an experiment.

He’s in 1984 at 12 years old.

Yes, yeah.

And he has some wild psychic powers.

He’s 11.

He is 11.

Oh, my gosh.

Okay, or is he one?

Is he Vecna?

So 12-year-old, we know what happens to Duncan Jr.

he’s disposed of because he’s no longer needed because he was only programmed for what he was programmed for.

And so the government’s like, I don’t want you.


Okay, so they dispose of him, allegedly.

Well, he does interact with Al.

Wait, what do you mean they’re disposing of…

The government disposes of him.

No, but I’m confused.

Do they dispose of the old carcass or do they dispose of the soul of the 12-year-old?

Because the 12-year-old with the old man’s soul is alive.

It’s like a dementor’s kiss.

He just is a soulless body.

No, so they’re saying that the old Duncan and the new 12-year-old Duncan have the same brain.

Yes, so they’re together.

So now there’s a 12-year-old.

The body of Duncan Jr.

is like a body of someone who has received the dementor’s kiss.


Okay, so his soul is now sucked out.

Megan has never read Harry Potter, so she has no idea.

And still staring at her blankly.

So then his body just like dies because it just gets so old that it…


I guess because Al was experimenting with Montauk, like Al experimented on his brother, Duncan.

Well, they kind of like, yeah.

Well, if we agree that like the Montauk Project is real, if something is real, then like they could have wiped his memory.

That’s so true.

And so in the 80s, like this all happened in 84.

And 88, his memories are like re…

I don’t know.

He gets his memories back.

Yeah, he gets his memories back.

So I don’t know, guys.

I don’t know.

Hold on.

Are we starting to believe in time travel?

I mean, I like that as I’m listening to you talk, I’m like, this part at least is just too wild to believe, but it’s like, wait, as I talk it through, I believe it.

What I said makes way more sense.

You did clarify it a lot.

However, I don’t know if I think these people thought.

Gonna leave you hanging right there.

And please come back and listen to part two of the Montauk Project.
