131 The Mandela Effect

What is the most famous line in Star Wars? What if I told you that the line is actually, “No, I am your father” NOT “Luke, I am your father”?  What do you recall the monopoly man looking like?  What if I told you that he did not in fact wear a monocle?  Instead, these shared false memories are known as the Mandela effect. The term was created by Diona Broome, a paranormal researcher, in 2009. She was at a conference, telling people that she had remembered watching coverage of former South African President Nelson Mandelas death in prision in the 1980s. She was shocked to hear of his death in 2013, years after he had been released from prison. As she was telling people this story a number of them said “I also remember watching the coverage of his death in the 80s”. but how could that be? Nelson Mandela actually served 27 years in prison before being released. He went on to serve as president of South Africa from 1994-1999 and died in 2013. This shared false memory intrigued her and she created a website to research the affects further. There are hundreds of examples of this effect, but why does it happen? Are our memories really just unreliable? Or, are there multiple universes existing parallel to our own, and these inconsistencies, like the spelling of Oscar Meyer (it’s MAYER not MEYER) or the presence of a cornucopia in the fruit of the loom logo (there isn’t one) are examples of small changes caused by our timeline merging or branching off of another?