Hey, guys.

What’s up, foil heads?

What’s been going on, guys?

What’s been going on, Tanner?

Tanner got banished to the basement today.

Yeah, he was in trouble.

I’ll tell you what’s been going on today.

A bird pooped on me.

Oh, yeah.

And neither one of you really even responded to my text.

I have no excuse, I was hung over.

A bird pooped on me, and I think that means…

That’s good luck.

That’s what I said.

But I think it might also mean…

The conspiracy is real.

That we are making too much noise.

Oh, birds.

They’re trying to shut our…

Birds are all over my Instagram right now.

They’re trying to track me.

I’ve been bird watching lately.

Or are you bird watching you?

Yeah, bird watching goes two ways.

I thought I never thought of them looking back.

We think they human watch?

Oh, definitely.

Oh my God, there’s some good bird merch on the 3SchemeQueens merch shop also, guys.

I want a bird, I think.

You want a bird?


I’ve decided they poop so much.

Then they’re so loud.

Don’t even worry about it.

How many things does Kait say she’s gonna do?

Well, she’s gonna get chickens.

I don’t know, but sometimes she’s like, I don’t think I want chickens.

And then she just like obsesses about them again.

The ladies.

Yeah, what girls?

The ladies.

Look at how beautiful your plant looks over there.

Megan’s plants are very happy.

Mine was not happy.

You know what I gotta say also?

You guys, I am quite the propagator.


And I like to gift my friends my plant propagations.

You know what?

There’s no judgment.

And I say, when I give him the propagations, if it dies, there’s no hard feelings.

It is what it is.

But I will say that Colleen every time is like, Megan, I think you did something to that propagation.

And I told her.

Only one died, Megan.

The first two times until I realized that it’s like literally every plant Colleen gets.

All my others have lived, okay.

What about the plants we bought on my birthday plant trip?

I killed the fig.


What about your ponytail palm that I said, you can’t possibly kill this plant?

So I just want to be clear.

I am not upset if I propagate and it dies, but do not come to me and tell me that my propagation.

I really loved the ponytail one.

Well, look at my ponytail.

I’m going to try again.

She’s a beauty.


I got my first grade niece a ponytail palm because she really wanted to plant for her room.

And I said-

You can’t possibly kill this.

And I said, you would love a ponytail palm.

And we were in Aruba and they had them there.

And she was like, I want that.

So I got her one and I sent her a photo of this guy for inspo.

Wouldn’t that inspire you?

That would definitely inspire me.

Mind guide within a week.

Joey actually really enjoys flowers in her room now.

So we have to keep refreshing her flowers.

In case you didn’t think she was going to be out of timing.

Bourbon Boy got her flowers one time and it was like.

And now you’ve been redoing them.

Now she’s just like, well then they died.

And she was so upset.

I was like, okay, well, we’ll put these in there.

Cause my mom had like gotten us flowers.

And then when those died, she was so upset again.

And I was like, okay.

Oh my God, no.

We’re just replenishing flowers.

She loves the fresh flowers.

Well, the good news is that it is summer right now.

The hydrangeas all over the neighborhood are going crazy.

So we can just, every time I come over, I’ll bring you some hydrangeas.

And Maggie’s hydrangeas just look so good.

They’re so pretty.

I think last year, when you acidify them, they get brighter.

And I think I over composted them, over acidified them.

But they’re so cute.

No, I mean, last year I just got like so much green, like so many leaves.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

And so this year I just like let them be and they are vibrant.

So just a reminder, guys, don’t forget to check out our Facebook and Instagram pages at 3SchemeQueens, the number 3SchemeQueens, all one word.

We are also on Reddit, same username.

If you wanna check out our website, go to www.3schemequeens.com, and you can find links to our social media accounts, our Buzzsprout page, all of our episodes, additional content, our contact page, and our discussion board, where you can engage with us and share any updates about the topics that we have discussed.

Let us know how we’re doing and what you wanna hear next.

There are also opportunities to financially support us.

There are links to buy us a cup of coffee, links to our recently updated merch store, and Amazon affiliate links.

And as always, if you choose not to financially support us, we appreciate the follows, the downloads, listens to likes.

So yeah, check us out.

And what should the people do after this episode, Kait?

Oh yeah, they should scroll on down, leave us a five-star review, give us a comment, send us an email, share us with your friend, share us with your family, share us on your social media.

Share us with that cousin you don’t really like that kind of smells at Thanksgiving and makes everybody uncomfortable.

Share it with the person that always is making political comments and uncomfortable.

Send a random letter to a random person and tell them about us.

His tongue is cold or something, like a little drunken slave.

Send the link to your number neighbor.

Number neighbor, that’s your phone number, except the last digit is either up one or down one.

Oh yeah, that would be like my mom for me.

And then Colleen can read your comment or email in a funny accent.

Funny accent.

The accent of your choice.


Quick, Scandinavian, go.

That’s it.

So is it time for our drink check?

So today, guys, we are having margaritas.


Can we cheers, guys?

Do you guys know why margaritas are our drink tonight?


Because our story takes place in Mexico.

It’s like a trend on TikTok to share the screenshot of your first text with your partner, and then like a photo from your wedding day.

And like almost everybody is meeting their people through mutual friends.

You don’t just meet people.

What the fuck you two do?

A decade.

I know.

I’m saying the same thing.

You couldn’t just produce one man for me.


I’m 27 years old.

I’ve got no job, no finances.

What else?

And she goes, I’m 27.

I have no prospects.

Pride and Prejudice.

Love that movie.

Remember, they try to make you watch that, and you fell asleep.

So Margarita’s because, Mexico, Mexico, apacados from Mexico.

According to Jose Cuervo, margaritas were invented by a Mexican bartender in honor of Mexican showgirl, Rita De La Rosa.

So this margarita, we made with some stirring margarita mix, which is really just like, it’s like all natural.

Tastes good, doesn’t it, Kait?

Mm-hmm, it’s good, I love it all natural.


And I used-

Love the wine.

And so we did stirrings in Casa Amigos because there’s a little Illuminati overlap in the story.

And you know who else is an alleged Illuminati member?

Jose Cuervo?

George Clooney.

Oh, awesome.

You know who founded, helped found Casa Amigos tequila?

George Clooney.

He’s not even Mexican.

You know what?

I’ve shared birthday with George Clooney.

I shared birthday with Johnny Knoxville.

Oh, that’s funny.

That’s actually funny, yeah.


Mad Jackass was a family movie series for us.

Before or after the human centipede?

Before and after, because there was more that were released.

So are you guys ready to get into it?

Heck yeah.

On August 4th, 2009, a local news channel in Mexico aired footage of a tall young woman.

The clip showed Mexican model Gabriela Rico Jimenez.


Jimenez, yeah, Italian.

She sounds Italian to me.

So this model was in front of a luxury hotel making accusations toward young, powerful people, including kidnapping, murder and cannibalism.

In the clip, she is seen being escorted away by police officers, but she has not been seen or heard from since.

Did the Illuminati murder her and cover it up to protect themselves?


We’re gonna talk about it.


I was going to ask you your opinions, but it sounds like, I was like, but you don’t have enough information, but you guys have decided.

I think she got sex trafficked.

Oh, yeah, human trafficking makes sense to me, but does the Illuminati play a part in human trafficking?

Well, you know who does?






I thought that was proven.

They found women in his house.

It’s not even just women.

So as I mentioned, this all started as a viral TikTok.

So I’m gonna play that for you.

This one comes from historyworld05, and we will link to that on social media.

In 2009, Gabriela Rico Jimenez was a famous Mexican model.

Everything was going well for her career until she was arrested in front of a hotel located on Ocampo Street.

At the time of the arrest, her breakdown attracted a lot of media attention, and what she said will haunt people forever.

She said she was invited to an elite party where young boys and girls were killed and later consumed.

Subsequently, the police arrested her and she was never heard from again.

She vanished from the face of the earth.

All information about her was deleted from the internet after this incident.

This situation raises questions about the existence of secret hidden powers, like the Illuminati controlling the media.

Those who speak against them seem to be silenced.

So pretty much, I’m going to show this video to you guys.

But there’s this passerby is walking by this kind of like high-end hotel called the Fiesta Inn in Monterey, Mexico.

And there’s this woman in a ripped t-shirt that reads yum yum.

It’s just in every story, it’s like it mentions that the t-shirt says yum yum.

It was probably stuck out to him in his memory or something.

Yum yum sauce.

I don’t know what yum yum sauce is.

Oh, it’s a Japanese sauce.

It’s the Japanese, like the white sauce.

It’s good.

So the woman is in a ripped t-shirt that reads yum yum and jean shorts, and she’s ranting about being imprisoned by young, powerful people.


So I’m gonna have you guys watch the video.

And you guys tell the people what you’re seeing.

I love doing this.

Good evening, guys.

It is in Spanish with English subtitles.

Colleen’s gonna be able to understand.


But after you guys kind of describe this video for the people, we’ll also post this online, and then I’m going to dissect what she’s saying.

If you want, I can describe it in Spanish, too.

She said she was gonna describe it in Spanish, too.

She’s screaming something about brothers.

She looks very upset.

She sounds traumatized.


She almost sounds hysterical.

Yeah, yeah.

She biting them?

That makes me sad.


What did you see, guys?

So she was wearing a yum yum shirt.

Two shorts.


She, like Kait said, she’s hysterically screaming, and she seems so upset.

I kind of believe what she’s saying because she’s that emotional about it.

Yeah, it’s.

She seems traumatized.

Well, and it’s like, it could go two ways, right?

Like, she is either completely manic and having schizoid ideas.

I don’t think she’s giving that, though.

She could.



You can’t rule it out.

You can’t rule it out because we have with no context.

You’d be like this lady’s crazy.

But like, yeah, she’s hysterical.

She’s yelling about like she’s saying that she was like locked up for a year and she was seeing them like eat people and we’ll get into exactly what she’s saying.

But that’s what she’s hysterical.


She’s screaming.

She mentioned Mickey Mouse, which I thought was funny.

And Queen Elizabeth and Queen Elizabeth.

And then like a police officer rolled up and just threw away.


And then allegedly she disappeared.

That’s the last we’ve ever seen.

Oh, my gosh.

So let me again, this is we’ve posted it.

It’s all in Spanish.

But I am going to we’re going to it’s a very it’s not real.

We’re going to dissect what she says here, okay?

Gabriela, starts with this.

She says, the English interpretation is, I wanted my freedom, Monterey freed me, but it cost me a lot of work.

And she’s in Monterey, Mexico right now.

I was in Mexico City for a year and four months.

All of this began in mid 2001.

I barely remember.

They were young and powerful and they killed them.

I’ve been knocking on doors.

What I wanted was my freedom.

I want my freedom.

Carlos Slim knew about this.

I want my freedom.

It hurts my soul.

And they took him away.

So, let’s pause there for a moment.

And let me tell you about Carlos Slim.

Great question, Colleen.

So Carlos Slim, Dominique, he was a Mexican businessman who was listed as the richest person in the world, according to Forbes, from 2010 to 2013, which is like right before this, or right after this happens, yeah.

So as of now, he is worth over $95 billion.

And so what people were saying, when you look on, when you find these TikToks, and when you look online, they allege that Jimenez, who was apparently a Mexican model, had been linked to one of Carlos’ sons, who was also named Carlos, and that guy is chairman of the board of his father’s conglomerate.

So she’s dating this really wealthy man who is the son of the richest man in the world for a period of time.

And we know that could mean he’s part of the Illuminati, right?


So that’s who she’s referencing there.

When she says, Carlos Slim knew about this, I want my freedom, it hurts my soul, and they took him away.

So then the police show up on the scene and they approach Gabriela.


So, who’s Mourinho?

Mourinho was a politician who was leading a campaign against drug cartels, and he had died the year prior when his private plane crashed in Mexico City.

There were 16 fatalities, all nine people on board, and then seven people on the ground died.

So, the crash was suspicious, and actually the US had investigated the crash, and they said, well, it’s not a big deal.

And they said, well, it’s not a big deal.

And they said, well, it’s not a big deal.

And she says, they told me, who did they kill?

The Queen of England?

The Queen of Germany?

Did they kill the princesses and Mickey Mouse?

It was also him.

And she points to.

Another officer.

So people have kind of mixed interpretations online about this, So people have kind of mixed interpretations online about this, because they’re like, why is she referencing the Queen of England, the Queen of Germany, and the princesses and Mickey Mouse?

Oh yeah.

Did they kill these famous people?

Did they also kill the Queen of England?

But if you really do want to dissect that, these are all people who have been associated with the Illuminati.

That’s a little bit too suspicious.

And the Queen Elizabeth we talked about last week is allegedly a descendant of the reptile humanoids and is a leader of the cloning center at Buckingham Palace.


Colleen found that a little hard to believe.

That one.

That one was hard for me.

I feel like if Colleen’s not buying it, it’s probably not real.

The Queen of Germany, because Germany is where the Illuminati was founded, so there’s a little association.

Do we think this was random?

Hitler was a part of the Illuminati?

Hitler was trying to create a new world order.

Yeah, I’m like, he kind of has…

What’s giving?

And then when she said, like, are they killing princesses?

Well, there are some people who claim that the Illuminati killed Princess Diana.

Yeah, the reptiles did it.

And then Mickey Mouse.

I’m trying to really figure out the Disney-Illuminati correlation.

Walt Disney has a lot of conspiracies.

Walt Disney was a shady guy.

And Disney itself, with the amount of connections the company has, like how many things they actually own, if you look it up, it’s absurd.

So I would 100% believe that Disney’s involved in some form of order like that.

I took one screenshot for you two to look at here.

But there’s a lot online about looking at old Mickey Mouse Club videos and stuff like that, and there’s like weird Illuminati logos.

Well, and you know, like there’s the conspiracy that like…


Yeah, but not, no, like the classic Mickey cartoons.

Oh, like the Steamboat Willie.

This picture that someone posted on TikTok, there’s all of, they’re like in the store that’s selling Disney stuff and everything.

It’s like Mickey Mouse doing the triangle.

And it’s like on all of the…

Wait a second.

Oh my God.

Oh my God.

He is doing that.

But that’s kind of some creepy Mickey Mouse stuff, right?

I believe Mickey is frozen.

Mickey or are you talking about Walt?

Yeah, Walt is frozen.

One in the same, one in the same.

I mean, just because he’s frozen doesn’t mean he’s going to come back.

Let it go.

And so then back to what she’s saying.

Okay, then she says, What?

Nothing is going to come here.

The people where you come from are crazy.

They killed a lot of people.

Death to that kind of human.

Go away.

They ate humans.


They ate humans.

I wasn’t aware of anything, of the murders, yes, but they ate humans.

Humans, they smell like human flesh.

Then the female officer approaches Gabriela.

She says, you are not going to take me until this is clarified.

You already took me there, let me go.

The female officer grabs struggling Gabriela and takes her to an armored vehicle.

And then again, allegedly she’s never seen again.

And so the backstory, as I mentioned briefly, is that she was this runway model who had worked in Mexico, Paris and New York City, and had been featured in the Mexican Cosmopolitan.

But if you go online, there’s no evidence of her on the internet in reference to her modeling career.

So people are like, they erased her.

They went back and they erased all references to her.

Oh my God.

And if you click on some of the, like there’s links on blogs and stuff, and when you click on them, they’re broken.

Big tech.

So in 2015, a Spanish blog called The Black Manic published the testimony of a law student who claimed that he had met her during this whole event, Jimenez.

He’s a lawyer, so he was in the jail where Jimenez was taken out.

I don’t know if he was like a student or actually a lawyer or what.

He says that he saw her, she looked distraught.

When he went over to check on her, she said, we’re already dead.

We were theirs.

What does that mean?

Oh my gosh, she’s got like split personality disorder.

How old was she at this time?

Did I say she was 21?

Oh, it’s getting a little bit like a psychotic breakdown again, like the twins.

20 minutes after her arrival, a few tall, well-dressed guys arrived and took her away.

And this author, this like anonymous author, claimed that he said to these men, she needs mental health.

Where are you taking her?

And that they said, none of your business, before asking what Jimenez had told the stranger.

The following day, the author reported to the higher-ups of the ministry and told them that the family was looking for information, but there were no records.

Like there was no documentation that she even had come into the police station.

Oh my God, I believe that this is the Mexican government.

It’s very, it’s all corrupt.

Yeah, very hush hush.

And so when he called the next day, when he’s like, hey, there’s people looking for information and I see no documentation.

And they said, really, if she doesn’t exist, then she never existed and you don’t work here.

Oh my God.


So I’m kind of dubious about this whole story.

This guy like waits until 2015, 50 years later, and he comes out on this blog anonymously and is like, oh yeah, I met her.

Like, I think I don’t really put any stock in this story.

And another theory is that she was taken just over the border to a cement factory owned by Carlos Slim Dominique, because he owned this cement factory in Arizona.


Did she get thrown into cement?

Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking.

Like she was ground burnt, you know what I mean?

Like cremated, powdered, put into cement.

Or she was just buried in cement.

That’s what they’re alleging, that like this richest man in the world, who she had just made accusations toward, happens to own this cement plant just across the border from Mexico.

And yeah, did they like…

It’s like in Dexter.

Did you guys ever watch the movies?

Did you guys watch season two of Dex, season two?

There’s like, so either season two or season three, he meets like the guy from Harry and the Hendersons, or maybe it’s season four, I don’t know.

He meets the guy from Harry and the Hendersons, and he like realizes that the guy is like a serial killer, but he has like a family and he’s like normal, and like Dexter’s like, oh, I can do this.

I can have a family and be normal.

That guy does habitat for humanity, and he like, when he kills his victims, he builds them into the houses.

That’s so disturbing.

And then there’s also theories, was she under control?

Had she escaped from MK Ultra?

Oh, she does sound, I don’t know.

She does feel ill.

Yeah, she sounds like she’s having a schizophrenic, psychotic break.

Again, this is all over TikTok, the story, and it’s blowing up, and people are like, this girl just left an Illuminati party, and she’s ranting, and again, she’s like this famous model, and that’s the story.

These articles that you find online are all reporting her as this former model, with all these different appearances.

And Scare Theater’s like, how do we know she was even a model?

Maybe she was just like…

A random person.

A random person going through a men’s TV.

The initial news footage says that she had been arrested earlier in the day before for causing a similar disturbance, and then was released a few hours later.

Oh, that kind of falls along.

That’s messed up.


But that, I mean, she said you were there.

Yeah, that makes sense.

So she’s like, yes, and you just kicked me out, but also it’s messed up that…

They let it go.

Yeah, didn’t get this girl some help, right?


Apparently they like investigated her accusations.

Aren’t the Mexican police like very not grateful?


And so they’re like, you know, if you actually go back, the whole reason we even know her name is because she had been arrested.

And so when this video releases to the news, they know her name, they say her name, Gabriela Jimenez, and there’s no reference to her being a model or anything like that.

Like we think that when the story went on TikTok, it may be just false information.

Like it’s like, here’s a tall thin girl in Mexico.

And so now they’re just like, and people are assuming or whatever.

And then people are just like jumping on the story.

And then the reason that we can’t find any evidence of her being a model is not because somebody went and erased the internet, wiped the internet.

It’s because like it wasn’t true to begin with.


Now it’s kind of interesting how misinformation can just like perpetuate.

Or is that just what they want us to believe?

Well, that’s what the conspiracy theorists would say.

So anyway, the same Scare Theater, they did some research and they found this article in 2017 that said, a 29 year old woman identified as Gabriela Rico Jimenez was seized because she did not remember where her house was.

She was turned over to Department of Social Work.

There was a photo in the article, which I’ll show you guys in a second.

And this article says that she was turned over to the Department of Social Work.

And so this tracks with the timeline of like her being 21 in that initial story.

And then in this news article in 2017, being 29.

And so here’s the photo of the girl that pops up.

And you guys tell me-

If that looks like her.

Oh yeah.

She just looks a little filled out.

She gained weight.

She filled out.

Yeah, I don’t like that actually he did.

That looks-

This was a really great YouTube video, but he did say, maybe she’s just like let herself go.

And I didn’t love that.

Not love that.


She looks healthy.

But otherwise I thought it was a very well done.

So he says, he’s like, I think this could be her.

Here’s like a kind of a more front on front, but you guys seem like you’re buying.

You’re buying it.

Yeah, that’s her.

Oh yeah, that’s her.

So he says, he got the software, facial recognition software, that is supposed to be 98.8% accurate.

You mean AI?

Yeah, I guess.

But this facial analysis determined with a quote, very high probability that these are the same people.

Now, again, if you still want to live and die on this TikTok, you could argue as Colleen was that who’s to say, this wasn’t a planted story with a planted AI photo to get people off the theory.

But I think he’s, I mean, I believe in when he links to the original news article, and he’s like all these things that they’re saying about her, like having left this party and making accusations of Illuminati and being a model and like none of that was ever said in the initial story.

And you would think that if the news, it’s kind of unclear why the news even shared this video.

She was just a nobody who was like losing her mind and someone took a video.

Was she really dating that guy?

So I don’t think so.

I think if you look at this theory, it’s like that was all just stuff that was perpetuated by like social media and the stories.

Whoa, that’s crazy.

So I could see that happening.

Yeah, I mean, definitely.

Some things, you know, just, you constantly have to fact check what you see on social media.

Megan sent me something the other day and I was like, really?

And I like had to fact check it.

It was true, completely true.

Well, actually, I will argue that usually I send things to Kait and I say, like, I’m like, this is blowing my mind and then I’ll be like, Kait, can you fact check this?


And then she’ll be like, like, I’m going down the rabbit hole.

But actually almost always you’ve come back and been like, oh my God, it’s real.


But I do always, when I send you stuff, I do always preface with, like.


The one thing that wasn’t real that we sent each other was the conjoined twins, that Twitter screenshot, you know what I’m talking about?

Oh, I think Kait was like, do we think this is real?

Oh, yeah.

And I was like, no.

No, and it was totally fake.

It was like the conjoined twins who, well, the one conjoined twin.

It was like a fake Twitter.

Yeah, I think that was my question.

Like, is this real?

Yeah, but I think you were skeptical, but I was like, no, I don’t think it’s real.

No, Stephanie thought it was real.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, Stephanie thought it was real.

I did find something on Reddit, so I know that’s like not a great source, but this is, again, we’re a conspiracy theory podcast.

Reddit is an often used source.

And they said that Gabriela Rico Jimenez, the woman who was arrested outside a hotel in Monterey, was helped by DIF police of Monterey, and after she was detained in jail by the regional police, was sent to the psychiatric center of the Buenos Aires Colony, where she will stay indefinitely while she receives help and can be well cared for.

But there’s a whole conspiracy theory about that, so stand by.



And then we’ve mentioned again that all the TikToks and everything are like, yeah, she was at this Illuminati party and she is telling everyone about the Illuminati.

And again, they cite those things I mentioned, like why did she reference the British monarchy, Disney, you know, all of that?

I think those were kind of stretched connections, right?

And I think she was just saying that like, these people didn’t take me seriously.

There is also a rumor, I bet you Colleen knows about this.

Oh God.

About Prince Philip.


Previous husband.

That is your theory that he might be a vampire.

Yeah, heard that one.

That he once said, quote, cannibalism is a radical but realistic solution to the problem of overpopulation.

My God.

So there are people that believe like-

Oh yeah, that-

They really are eating people, right?

I mean, I definitely believe there are people out there eating people.

It’s so creepy.

It’s disgusting.

So just like the one last thing that I do want to mention though, is that when you go, if you believe this article on Reddit, there’s also like a whole subreddit about the fact that I, and I did like fact check this, and it’s out there and you can see it, that if she went to the psychiatric center in Buenos Aires, and they went down to like, well, there’s only two, and they figured out which one it would be, and that particular facility was supposed to shut down because of funding, and then it suddenly got saved.


Yeah, and there are tunnels, underneath the psychiatric facility.

Oh my god.

Of course.

You can go online and you can like see the pictures.

I think I posted some pictures on the website of the-

And so like, if this truly is the Illuminati, wouldn’t that be a great cover?

Oh my god.

And then we’ll like, you know, sneak in through the tunnels.

And I don’t know, just like tunnels are always involved in these.

There’s always tunnels.

That’s so crazy to me.

I still think about the tunnels in Montauk.

What was in there?

Why did they fill them in?

And why, when people went back, could they like still hear things happen?

Is there history of these tunnels at this place?

Like, do we have any sort of info about them?

Let me pull up the website.

So there’s like two kilometers of underground passageways.

And so people are like, they don’t really know what they were used for.

Perhaps it was like the drainage system from the 1700s.

And then there’s also-

Did you guys think that the Underground Railroad was actually underground?

No, it’s not.

I know, did you think it?

No, no, because it runs through Woburn.

I thought it was underground for a long time.

It’s like all canals.

It’s rivers, walkable creeks.

I don’t think so.

I thought I did not understand.

That gives Southern no.

Okay, well, this, I thought this was boring.

It’s probably the education I thought.

When I watched the TikTok, I thought it was fascinating.

I thought this was gonna be more interesting.

You guys jumped right to, she’s having a mental break, and it’s like, it’s the fun out of it.

Because again, if you refer back to the twins episode where we talk about psychotic breaks, they always happen at that age, like in their 20s.

So like that checks out the fact that she looks like that picture.

So she’s probably is just a normal person and not an actual model.

But at the same time.

I mean, I think we’ve debunked, I think we’ve debunked this one.

I think we can all agree, it was just like an unfortunate girl having a break.

The true conspiracy theorists will argue that that’s what we’re supposed to believe, but that’s what I’m betting on.

I just think it’s really interesting how, again, this has been kind of like a widely shared, I can’t believe you haven’t seen this actually, Colleen.

No, I actually haven’t.

But it’s like just been kind of a widely shared video and how the story, everyone is just like, oh my God, did you see the video of the model who went missing after she outed you in Manatee?

And it’s like, none of the facts are even true.

It’s just like someone made up the story and it just got perpetuated on social media.

Got the phone.

Yeah, and now that’s truth.

Okay, any other thoughts?

No, I do think it’s interesting that social media can be like this game of telephone.

It can change the story so much.

And again, it kind of links into the bird episode too, right?

I love that.

I love the bird episode.

Bird, bird, bird, bird, bird.

But we didn’t get any much Spanish from you on this episode.

No, pues es verdad.

All right, do you just want to say goodbye to the people for us then?

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Nos vemos al próximo martes.

Hasta martes.

Hasta luego.

I’m gonna say until Tuesday, or see you Tuesday, okay, see you next Tuesday.

Hasta luego.

Hasta luego.

Hasta luego.
