Hey, foil heads, what’s up?

Hey, crinkle tin foil heads.

How you guys doing?

What’s popping?

I just had the wildest day at work.

It was absolutely wild.

And you know what?

I got to Megan’s house, and I just wanted to sit in the nice AC.

And I got in, and I come in, I’m like, you gotta turn down the air.

And she’s like, it’s broken.

We didn’t want to warn her because we thought she wouldn’t come over.

Opened every window and turned every fan on.

I said, get some ice packs ready.

And then immediately I was like, do you have any ice packs?

I was like, how’d I know?

Well, last week, we talked about Scientology, and we got a lot of messages about Colleen, about her alien obsession, about her lobotomy obsession.


My sister-in-law messaged me and said, how much money do we need to collect to send Colleen in undercover to investigate Scientology?

And Kait and I both decided-

Don’t do that.

We can’t do it.

No, we definitely can’t.

I’ll fall for it.

I’m too moldable.

She’s also too nice to say no.

Yeah, I’m like, I’m way too nice.

I signed the, what is it, the billion-year contract?

Where do I sign?

Yeah, I’m like, no problem.

What’s a billion years?

I’m gonna be out of here by 65 anyway.

Easy clap.

All right, we also though, we should give a little shout out to Tracy, who commented, she wanted to let us know that she is responsible for introducing Mermaid Girl and Birdman to Mountain Monsters.

Oh, yeah.

And Tracy, how much do we appreciate Tracy for that?

Tracy, you are really, that’s the MVP move right there.


Yeah, I’ve been telling everybody about it, but I also can, I think I’ve changed the title of it every time.

I can’t ever remember.


But high-quality television if everyone’s looking for some brainless TV.

It’s so good.

It’s so funny.

So just a reminder, guys, don’t forget to check out our Facebook and Instagram pages at 3SchemeQueens, the number 3SchemeQueens, all one word.

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Let us know how we’re doing and what you want to hear next.

There’s also opportunities to financially support us.

There are links to buy us a cup of coffee, links to our merch store.


We have an update.

There is some new merch up.

We updated the logo on the merch.

So if you were upset with the sizing of the triangle, the triangle has increased.

There’s also some other…

And other things, yeah.

So anyway, check out the merch store.

And as always, if you choose not to financially support us, we appreciate the follows, the downloads, listens, the likes.

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Discussion board.


We have a board for each episode.

You can all feel free to kind of join us in posting updates or just engage in the conversation.

And of course, we’re still on Reddit, so look for us there.

After this episode, what should the people do, Kait?

The people, yeah.

They should scroll on down.

Leave us a five-star review.

Share us with your friends and family.

Leave us a comment.

Send us an email.

Maybe Colleen will read it in a funny accent.

And if you request one, I’ll try my best.

Yeah, and also you could also go to the message board and tell us what you think.

What are your theories on these theories?

So is it time for our drink check?

I’m ready at the.

Today we are drinking Illuminati’s.


These are cocktails from the Baltimore restaurant Excess Sushi, which unfortunately appears to no longer be in operation.

I mean, I’m going to be honest, I’m not drinking this because I’m not a gin girl, as you know, but it’s pretty much just like a fun, refreshing gin and tonic.

It is very refreshing.

It’s good.

What’s the extra flavor?

So it’s three parts gin to one part contra, contra?

And then you do a little splash lemonade.

So probably like the origin of the contra and the lemon is what you’re tasting.

Oh yeah, it’s very refreshing.

And then you fill the rest up with tonic to taste.

My mother would like this a lot.


This is like really dangerous.

You can’t really, I wouldn’t say, it doesn’t taste like alcohol.

It doesn’t taste like a Christmas drink?

No, it doesn’t taste ginny.

I like the flavor of gin though.

Yeah, me too.

It really tastes like a summer drink.

It’s very subtle.


I would also like to tell you guys that Tay, Reputation, Taylor Swift is in my drink.

I’ve got Lover.

And yeah, Colleen, I had Lover at first and Colleen was like, oh, look, I have Reputation.

And I just looked at her and she ripped it out of my drink.

She was like, you want it?

Yeah, did we say like stir sticks to be clear?

When you’re like, Taylor is in my drink?

Yeah, do you know her?

Taylor is in my drink.

I’m just gonna write a song about it.

Also, I filled these cups all the way up with ice.


It’s already melted because my house is 80 degrees.

I’m just like spreading out as much as I can to get as much air.

I grew up without an AC though, so this just feels like home.

Yeah, but that was in New England, where it gets cold at night in the summer.

So in case you didn’t gather from our drink today, we are talking about…


That’s right, the Illuminati.


The eye, the ever-seeing eye.

This is part two of Colleen’s Secret Society.

Secret Society, but Megan’s doing this one.

But thinking of Illuminati, I’m just now connecting it to the eye in Lord of the Rings.

Do you think Lord of the Rings is connected to the Illuminati?

I did a little research on the history of Illuminati, and then kind of like we did for Freemasons, Colleen will bring the…

It’s just movie references.

Her opinion.

She’ll bring the lizards.


So, the Illuminati was a Bavarian secret society founded in 1776 with close ties to the Freemasons.

The society, founded by a law professor, sought to promote enlightenment and favored separation of church and state.

The group was disbanded less than a decade after its formation by royal and church edict.

But did it really disperse?

Today, many conspiracy theorists claim that the Illuminati is a secret society that continues to exist and exert control over world events.

They are often depicted as a small, powerful elite manipulating governments, economies and the media.

Theories often associate the Illuminati with various symbols and claim their influence extends into popular culture, politics and financial systems.

If you believe these theories, then this elite group has planted agents and governments and corporations in order to influence and establish a new world order.

So guys, what do you think?

I think it’s real.

I have a hard time differentiating the societies, because I feel like they’re all intermingled.

Oh, for sure, they’re all the elites.

Yeah, I mean, for sure, I’ll talk a bit about how the Freemasons and the Illuminati might go together.

But New World Order and the Illuminati are one in the same, I felt like.

I thought the New World Order was just the plan, maybe.

Yes, yeah, that’s the end goal, right, yeah.


All right, so I don’t really buy it, guys, but let me tell you what I learned.

I have to be real, Megan.

I feel like they could be real.

That’s how I feel.

I think they exist.

Yeah, I feel like, why not?

Yeah, prove me wrong.


So the term Illuminati refers to groups that are believed to possess secret knowledge and influence global affairs.

Isn’t the Illuminati somehow paired with the devil?

Well, a lot of these symbols for the devil, like the 666 and stuff, they’re like, oh, it’s a sign of the Illuminati.

And I’m like, but isn’t that a sign of the devil?

So are we just collating them one in the same?

Like what I’ve heard is the Illuminati is like, they’ve all sold their souls to the devil.

Because they’re illuminated, right?

It’s not the argument, too.

They’re saying all these celebrities, which we’ll talk about, who are allegedly in the Illuminati, pretty much, yeah, like sell their souls to the devil in order to like become famous.

Yeah, exactly, and Taylor Swift’s not part of the Illuminati.

Actually, I did not see her name anywhere on the people who, and I was like, yeah, because-

She works hard.


She works for her money.

She’s been hustling for-

There’s no E sound in her name.

She’s the grade of little old Tay.

Yeah, and she’s been hustling for 18 years.

Yeah, you should be.

Okay, the term Illuminati refers to groups that are believed to possess secret knowledge and influence global affairs.

There were Illuminati cults back in the 1500s in the Middle East, Spain and France, but the most well-known historical Illuminati group was the Bavarian Illuminati, founded on May 1st, 1776 by Adam Weiss Haupt.

Who the heck is that?

Well, let me tell you.

He was a professor of canon law and practical philosophy in Bavaria, Germany.

I’ve never heard of his name ever.

Well, because I think he was very short-lived.

Oh, this group sought to promote enlightenment ideals, including reason, secularism and equality.

They opposed religious and state oppression and aimed to influence political decisions secretly.

Vysopt aimed to abolish all religions and obliterate, by the way.

Harry Potter.

I read a couple chapters of Harry Potter, and I told you this, didn’t I?

Yeah, and he does the obliterate spell.

And I was like, I know, I get it.



So he wanted to abolish all religions and obliterate every government so mankind could live happily in a world of equality.


Yeah, anarchy.

It sounds like a purge.

What the people want right now.

Listen, Kait already heard this, but there was an Instagram meme, which means it’s fact.

I did not fact check this, but it said the average empire lasts 250 years.

Do you know how long we’ve been a country?

Almost 248 years.

It’s gonna be China’s the next empire.

And you know what?

I blame TikTok.

You blame TikTok?

I do blame TikTok.

And I will tell you why.

They have changed, it has changed.

China literally, I’ve told you this, China literally controls the algorithm of what people see.

Oh yeah.

And so they, like there’s a generation of people right now who are so, they’re like, America’s the worst because all they see on their algorithms is what China wants them to see.

Is what China wants them to see.

How do you defeat a country within?

I’m telling you.

Tik Tok is, Tik Tok, literally Tik Tok.


That could be an episode.


It is gonna be an episode.

It is actually like, it’s, I’m pretty sure New York Times did an article about it.


We have July and August, we have the season coming, which I referenced previously.

Yeah, see sun.

See sun, and then after that, you’re gonna be getting a whole lot more of Kait, guys.

She’s gonna have so much more free time.


She’s got a whole list of-

Who’s afraid of little old me?

To teach us about.

You should be.

So back to the story.


So I was telling you about Vice Out.

Vice Out.

Vice Out.

He called himself Spartacus, and the ruling council of the Illuminati was known as the Areopagus.

So Baron Adolf Kanika-

These names are brutal.

Yeah, these are brutal names.

So yeah, I know I mispronounce things a lot, guys.

I try.

Don’t come for me.

Baron Adolf Kanika was both a member of Areopagus and the Freemasons, and he was a heavy recruiter for the Illuminati.

He foresaw the economy operated under a communism of goods structure overseen by an enlightened or illuminated elite over which he presided.

There were three levels, Novice, Minerval, and Illuminated Minerval.

When you reached Minerval, there was a complicated ceremony in which you were given all of the secret codes.

So is this sounding very familiar?

It’s like the Freemasons.

Various levels you have to go through, and there’s a lot of…

Giving Scientology too.


Christians of good character were actively sought with Jews and pagans specifically excluded, along with women, monks and members of other secret societies.

Sort of.

Not members of the Freemasons.

They recruited heavily from the Freemasons.

The favorite candidates were Rich, Docile, Willing to Learn, and aged 18 to 30.



Also, Kait and I would already be excluded.

18 to 30.

We’re already too old.

Oh, I thought you were referring to the docile part.

I am not docile.

Anyone else is like docile.

I probably get included.

They’d get me.

So you could be an atheist here, whereas you couldn’t be an atheist in the Freemasons.

Oh yeah, because the atheists don’t believe in any.

By 1784, there were 600 members, I guess.

Weisaupt actually, he joined the Freemasons.

So there’s a lot of things out there.

He was actually a Freemason, and he branched off and joined the Illuminati, created the Illuminati, but really it sounds like he formed the Illuminati, and then he decided to go join the Freemasons.

So he forms the Illuminati with his four law students, and then he’s like, man, we need some ideas for how to recruit, how are we gonna get people, what kind of ceremonies we’re gonna do.

And so he decides to become a Freemason so that he can pretty much just model his organization using these Freemason aspects.

And so he created a lot of Masonic rituals, and he recruited right from the Masonic ranks.

It sounds like he didn’t make it very high in Freemasonry, so people are like, he probably didn’t even really know most of the secret things that the Freemasons know.

He doesn’t even sit here.


Yeah, he’s not cool enough.

He doesn’t go here.

Okay, so this is the thing though about how they kind of came to be like, so he creates this little club, he becomes a Freemason, he’s like recruiting from the Freemasons, and they have all the same kind of ceremonies.

And then they actually started sort of as a chapter of Freemasons.

So they went ahead and applied for their own lodge.

And then it’s like, they just kind of eased into it.

They apply for their own lodge, and then they like have this lodge, and then they sort of become this like independent group separate from the Freemasons.

So anyway, the Illuminati, along with Freemasonry and all the other secret societies were outlawed through the edict of Charles Theodore, the Elector of Bavaria, with the encouragement of the Catholic Church in 1785.

And so he was forced to exile.

So really 1776 to 1785, the Illuminati only existed for nine years, okay?

But the conspiracy is that it’s…

Well, this is the act.

So this is fact.

So the theory is like, okay, because Freemasonry was outlawed as was like, you know, the Illuminati, Freemasonry survived, right?

They just like whatever.

So the theory is…

So a lot of people are like, well, the Illuminati was a very young organization.

It sounds like kind of an imitation of Freemasonry, if you will.

And so people don’t really think it survived.

They think, again, he had to…

Weissapt was exiled.

He fled, so if you believe the Illuminati is real, then you would believe that the Illuminati hit out with the Freemasons and kept things going under cover.

If you believe that this was the end of the Illuminati as is the official story, then it’s like, yeah, they were just too weak to maintain and the church and the king were like, you’re done.

And they were like, okay.

And then that was it, okay?

I think they went underground.




We previously discussed how the Freemasons were responsible for the Revolutionary War, which is fact.

We know that, right?

I was kind of thinking.

The red coats are coming.

Yeah, that’s right.


And there is proof proof in like the Freemason records of that.

George Washington.

If you haven’t heard the Freemason episode, Paul Revere.

Go back and listen, guys.

Spoilers, kind of a similar story about the Illuminati.

The theory is going into what happened to them.

The Illuminati may have continued underground and actually was responsible for the French Revolution as our initial goal was to oppose monarchial control.

And again, they were known to be in secret.

So we were like, so who’s to say they didn’t just keep meeting in secret, right?

The French Revolution was heavily influenced by Enlightenment thought, making it plausible to some that the Illuminati could have played a role.

In fact, Jefferson himself, speaking of Jefferson, Kait.


Cited by doubt.

Yes, Thomas Jefferson himself.

Wasn’t he like our third president?

Wasn’t it like?

Yeah, definitely.

I think it was Washington Adams, and then Jefferson.

Let me back check that.

Washington Adams, Jefferson, Madison?

There’s a song, isn’t there?

There is.

If only Bourbon Boy was here.

George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison.

AP US history.

I hated that class.

I did not take AP US.

No, no.

I took it.

The last time I took a history class was when I was a junior in high school.

I hated AP US.

You didn’t have to take it.

I took music history and that counted.

Are you kidding me?

That just says what kind of school Clemson is because at the University of South Carolina.

You had to take Western Civ?

No, I took US history.

You had to take music history?

You guys had to take history?

I had to take like a theology course and that was it, everything else.

It really tracks actually.

None of us are strong historians, but it kind of tracks to me that Colleen never took a history class after.

I didn’t have to.

They didn’t have to.

You had to take two philosophies, two theologies, one humanities.

So what I’m hearing is that while people out in the world might think that University of South Carolina is the-

I think history is a required class.

Is the largest minority of the three of our colleges-

It’s Catholic U.

It’s respectable right now.

But history is not a common required class, guys.

Yes it is, it’s like everybody needs a history.

No matter what your major is, you have to do your first year of general studies.

We did philosophy and theology.

Yeah, when were you guys in college?

I’m not afraid to tell you.

I went 2006 through 2007.

Yeah, there you go.

Go Tigers, woo!

That was in middle school.

Megan’s afraid to tell you.

Even though Kait and I are pretty much the same age, I was in school, 2004 to 2008, go Gamecocks.

Megan and I are rivals.

I was in elementary and middle school.

It’s too bad we didn’t know each other.

That’s when it gets weird, when I think about that.

It’s too bad that we didn’t know each other then, because that could have been some good, fun rivalries.

I know, that would have been-

You guys would have rallied.

We would have had fun going back and forth.

Yeah, you should have come and seen the Tiger Burn.

Oh, you guys could have come and seen the chickens, the rubber chickens with their heads cut off all over campus.

What did Catholic University-

Everybody, everybody-

We saw the Pope.

You did it.

I did it.

She was just bitching she couldn’t get her uber eats.

Yeah, I didn’t know it.

I’m like, you had uber eats?

Okay, back on track.

So yes, Thomas Jefferson, he himself said, like, Viseout was an inspiration for the American Revolution.

In the late 18th century, critics of enlightenment such as religious conservatives and reactionary political figures often claim that the Illuminati had infiltrated Freemasonry to further their subversive goals.

There were some publications that argue that the Illuminati had continued to operate clandestinely and had embedded themselves within Masonic lodges to overthrow monarchies and religious institutions.

So they argue that the Illuminati survived having infiltrated a Berlin literary society in Masonic lodges.

They point out that Viseout was banished, but not in prison.

So he could have carried on writing, which kind of gives me vibes like the-

Hitler vibes?

Well, I was thinking like Hitler’s vibes, how like their leader is in prison, but he’s like continuing to rule.


So these conservative authors of the time wrote the Illuminati survived and was responsible for the revolution.

So if you believe that the Illuminati, a much smaller, less organized group than the Freemasons survived the ban by hiding out with the Freemasons, then it is possible that the Secret Society still exists today.

I believe it.

I believe it.

So that’s kind of the fact.

That is like true history.

That is like the proof proof we have of the Illuminati.

Everything after 1785 is all like conjecture and theories.

How do we know this is all proof proof?

We just have papers of this all?

We have this just like documented?

Yeah, but they don’t have documents as well.

Like the Freemasons were much better document recorders.

But yeah, they’re like the Illuminati existed in 1776, 1785.

Then there was a ban and they had to disperse.

So 1789, you said?


1785, that’s so long ago.

But I will share with you the pop culture references that I did find, okay?

So US.

President Joe Biden fanned the flames of the conspiracy in 2022 when he referred to a coming quote, New world order in the wake of the Ukraine crisis.

Though after they claimed that he was just referring to like shifting geopolitical relations.

And then Donald Trump has been accused of being a member of the Illuminati because so pretty much all the people who get accused of being Illuminati are people who have made hand gestures, right?

Like just like, and so-

It’s all the triangle.

Yeah, or like whatever.

So Donald Trump does like a three-finger logo, which apparently makes some people think he’s the Illuminati.

Three points.

And then Beyonce and Jay-Z.

As we said, Jay-Z was a Freemason.

He has been accused of hiding imagery in his videos and his music label logo is a pyramid, although both have publicly denied it.

What did we learn today?

Of course they would.

What did we learn today though about?

Oh, the not-ees.


So Illuminati.

There seems to be a correlation with the e sound.


Like le-dee, gaga, bee, on-seh, jay-zee, yee-zee.

There’s more.


Also just to clarify guys, this is like a farcical-

That was from a YouTube video.

YouTube video that we’ll post.

It was like a joke, but it does make you, you’re like, oh, this is funny, but also wait, is it real?

Speaking of E though, Rihanna.

Oh yeah.

Apparently in the Illuminati.

Also, I think we said she was like in the female branch of the Freemasons.

And she allegedly incorporates imagery in her videos.

And she even had a newspaper with a fake headline, Princess of Illuminati, in one of her music videos.

David Rockefeller, so there’s this theory-




There is this theory that there are 13 families that own 99% of the world’s wealth.


13 families.

Taylor Swift?

Maybe it’s 14 families now.

I mean, it is the number 13.

One of those families is the Rockefellers.

And Dick Rockefeller, who is, was Rockefeller on the Titanic?

Rockefeller is one of the people that was on the Titanic.

And he was one of the ones that started the Federal Reserve.

And I-

Is a huge conspiracy.

There’s a full conspiracy about that that I 100% believe.

Kait, can you bring that to us in a couple months?

Yeah, get ready for that one.


So I’m not talking about him, though.

I’m talking about his grandson.

And he was known for his foreign political connections, for secret business dealings, and for his fortune of $3.3 billion at the time of his death in 2017.

So people are like, he had money, he had power.

Sounds like an Illuminati member.

Henry Kissinger, who was the US Secretary of State, he had top secret business dealings with Rockefeller, which came to light in 2016 by WikiLeaks.

And he’s believed to be a member of the Illuminati Center Circle.

Queen Elizabeth.

Colleen, you are gonna love this.

Are you ready?

Like the queen who just passed?


There’s this former BBC presenter who was like an open conspiracy theorist, and he shared this theory that many believe in which all of the royal families in the world are part of the Illuminati.

They all became royals because their human ancestors, here we go.


Colleen is nodding aggressively, and she hasn’t even heard this next part.

Do you know how they all became royals?


Because their ancestors mated with reptilian aliens.


And that’s why they need clean bloodlines.



So he claims that he’s talked to people who have seen people in power change into reptiles and back again.


This is like a next level theory.

Real humanoid reptilians.



But there are theories online that Queen Elizabeth.


The second who just died.


Ran a cloning center where she replicates celebrity to help create the New World Order.

All of this is run out of Buckingham Palace.


She was too old, guys.

Did you, like, she’s been a lot, RIP, was alive for so long.

She was alive for a long time.


She was born in 1926.

Died in 2022.

The ripe old age of.


Not 98, 94, 96.

We all just.

We all got numbers.

This is what freaks me out is that, like, her mom was, like, alive in the 1800s.

Like, there’s, like, not that many, like, ancestors between her and, like, that long ago.


Do you know what I mean?

And then think about her mom.

Mom was probably alive in the 1700s.

And you know what happened in the 1700s?

A revolution.

The revelation.

I’m talking revolution.


Yes, that and the Illuminati.

Oh my God.

But you know what?

As I’m saying this, my nana, she’s 90 something.

92, 93.

Her mom was also probably alive in the 80s.

You saw the Spanish flu.

She saw the Spanish flu.

My nana was born in the 1930s.


So what was, and her mom was an old mom.

The Spanish flu was in the 20s.



So her mom lived during the depression.

So I’m like, there’s not, I’m talking about the queen, but I can say the same thing about my own grandmother.

So you think that all of the royals mated with reptile humanzoids and-

And then they practiced like-

I think that’s a stretch.

I want to know what constitutes a clean blood line.

I think, I don’t think reptile, I guess-

But Kait wasn’t royal.

No, she has royal blood, she does.

She does?

She’s not a true commoner.

She has some connections.


I mean, same with Princess Diana.

What about Meghan Markle?

Is that why-

Well, that’s why it’s on the ball’s card.

That’s why they don’t like her.

She’s also black.

Okay, I also disagree with them.

She is a terrible human being.


She’s not, we are not, you’re Team Megan, but we are not.

I’m very Team Megan.

You made Kait Middleton cry, and you don’t fuck with Kait Middleton.

No, we love Kait Middleton.

Kate’s not wrong.

And Kait Middleton.

I think the newest video is also AI, guys.

I do too, I was gonna say that.

I think-

I don’t think she’s well.

I think she’s probably dead or something like that.

It’s all AI.

She has no appointments through the year.

It’s all AI.

Yeah, I wanted to talk about that, because I definitely think it’s AI.

But anyways-

People have run it through the computer.

Yeah, it looks like AI.

It’s ridiculous.

She’s probably not-

The toys are so poorly functioning, they will do anything to keep an image, even kill Diana.

Well, I don’t believe that.

You don’t?

I voted already on the Diana episode that it was just a tragedy.

However, okay, let me get back to the reptilian point I’ve been trying to say before I mentioned the name Megan.

It was a trigger for me, I’m sorry.

Yeah, I truly don’t think they’re reptilians.

Okay, I don’t think that.

But I do think there is an obsession with clean blood in a certain image.

And I think they track family lines obsessively.

And I think that’s been misinterpreted to be like, oh yeah, they’re so clean, they’re reptiles.

You know what I mean?

Like, that’s what that was my point that I was trying to say.

That’s valid.

I just have a couple more people here that are allegedly.

I believe that Beyonce and Jay-Z are the Illuminati.

Katy Perry, and I don’t buy that, because I think she’s like, I mean, what does Katy Perry?

She would join a cult though, but she’s pretty in a cult, right?

No, her parents, she grew up in a really, really, just house-y.

Wasn’t it like a cult religion though?

I don’t think so.

I think her dad was just a preacher.

Her dad was an evangelical Christian pastor.

But I’m like, Katy Perry is not famous enough to be the Illuminati, if you ask me.

She did say, quote, I guess you’ve kind of made it when they think you’re the Illuminati.

Like she’s kind of like, this is a compliment.

They think the Beatles were.

I guess you could-

Oh, I could see that.

Again, this all comes from what people-

And is that why John Lennon was shot?

And don’t they say the Paul McCartney that is still performing is not-

Yeah, there’s something, I don’t know the whole story, but I do know.

It’s like the idea that he is not really, it’s like, have you heard the theory that Biden is not president, it’s his brother?

Same idea.

But all the Beatles stuff, I mean, they are powerful and they are rich, but-

I love the Beatles.

So do we think the Illuminati-

It’s all based on, again, I think a lot of this comes from these people who were theorized.

It’s like, because they make a triangle with their, I feel like they just make a hand gesture and then everyone’s like, up, it’s the Illuminati.

I would not be surprised if there was a secret club for these rich people.

It’s given country club vibes, but for super famous performers, I would not be surprised if that was the case.

Do I think it’s the Illuminati?

I don’t know.

Well, here’s-

Let me just quickly, I’m just gonna give you a one-liner here from Wikipedia about the Paula’s Dead conspiracy theory.

So they claim that McCartney died in a car crash, and to spare the public from grief, the surviving Beatles aided by Britain’s MI5 replaced him with a McCartney lookalike, subsequently communicating the secret through subtle details of their albums.


And so I guess, oh, like Taylor Swift, they just hide some-

Oh my gosh, should we do this theory?

I’m gonna do it.

Should do it.

Otherwise we have, again, Kim, who she kind of like leans into and perpetuates because why would she miss an opportunity to like get a little publicity, right?

Yeah, hell yeah.

She actually did like an Illuminati design on her Instagram grid one time, just to like feed into it.

Kanye, we talked about Lindsay Lohan.

I feel like, what has Lindsay Lohan done lately?

I mean, we love her and she’s kind of making-

She’s not in it anymore.

There’s no way.


They kicked her out.

You said she’s not in it anymore.

There’s like no way.

At one point.


She was pretty like peak, you know what I mean?

Then she got into drug, maybe it’s a drug scandal.

Like mean girls.

She was peak at mean girls.



Oh, I get her confused as Amanda Bynes.

And then LeBron James is considered to potentially be a member.

LeBron James.

Because he’s rich and he’s Jay-Z’s buddy.

And then Michael Jackson, people think that the purple ball death was really to cover up the fact that he was exposing too much.


So these are all like famous people, but these are all like performers.

Well, that’s the whole point.

I’m like, it’s all like influential performers.

What I said and it’s not for me is that they think they exist in all places.

There’s people like a lot of the high financial people and then the media.

They think that all of Hollywood is like run by the Illuminati.

I feel like it’s got-

I believe it.

We did watch a funny YouTube video, but there was a little part of it that I really do believe.

Like Apple has to be a part of it.

All the I’s, iPhone.

We’re gonna post the video on Instagram.

It’s pretty good.

Yeah, why else would it be called I?

I’m sure there is a reason if you look it up.

I don’t wanna do that.

I wanna believe they were part of the Illuminati.

It’s literally an apple.

Where do you get the I from?

Well, if you watch the video, it has something to do with teachers.

What’s a symbol you think of a teacher?

Apple, you turn the Apple logo on its side.

The stem of the apple is a shape of an I.

It’s the I, the center of the Illuminati.

To be clear, guys, this was a joke video that we did not post.

She just turned her phone to look at it.

Yeah, it’s a whole thing.

It is an I.


They’re watching.

And they’re always listening.

They are.


I’m about to get rid of them.

That’s what I would believe the Illuminati to do, to get into tech, iPhones, hand-held things we use constantly.

People think Bill Gates is part of New World Order.

Because I gotta think it’s just anyone who’s got money that influence, they think.

Oh, Bill Gates is a Mason, right?


Yeah, he is, yeah, yeah.

The only part of the Illuminati that I really, truly believe is well-documented in one of my most glorious, well-loved, very well-documented film called National Treasure.

That non-fiction film, yeah.

And I wonder if you have info points regarding the dollar bill.

Oh, does it also involve the pyramids with Egypt?

A lot of connections to that.

And as we were sitting in this room, I noted symbols that are on your TV.

What’s like the role of the screen saver?

And I noticed a symbol that made me think to myself, oh my God, they’re everywhere.

It’s the I Heart Radio symbol is an upside-down triangle with the letter I in the center of the triangle.

It’s literally an upside-down triangle with the letter I, I Heart Radio is the Illuminati controlling what we listen to.

The whole idea about the Illuminati is that it’s like, they’re influencing and they’re trying to control to take over the world.

And again, it sounds like the symbols that are mentioned, I think a lot of people kind of confuse or conflate Illuminati and Freemasons.

So it’s like, they might be like a Freemason logo and like see Illuminati, but it’s like really Freemason.

Yeah, talk about the dollar bill.

Why is it on the dollar bill?

The all-seen eye or the eye of providence is a symbol depicting an eye enclosed in a triangle and surrounded by rays of light.

It has been used historically in various cultures and religions to symbolize divine providence.

In the context of the United States, the all-seen eye appears in the reverse side of the great seal of the United States, which is also found in the one dollar bill.

That’s what you’re asking me about, Colleen.

The all-seen eye became associated with the Illuminati through its presence in Freemasonry.

Again, the thing is that these symbols are not all Illuminati.

They’re like Freemason symbols.

People are just like, oh, it’s the Illuminati.

The eye is interpreted by conspiracy theorists as a symbol of Illuminati’s purported surveillance and control over the world.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

What if somebody in the Freemasons started this theory to throw us off their scent?

Oh my god.

What if, Colleen?

Hold on, I’m with you.

That sounds correct.

I could see them doing that.

Yes, somebody was like, hold on, we’re New World Order, but let’s throw them off our scent.

Oh my god.

Let’s talk about the Illuminati that used to be us.

And the Masons survived.


Oh my god.

I’m with you.

Yeah, that’s it.

I think that’s my theory.

And then you were talking about how like, isn’t there a lot with like the devil worship and Illuminati, which I don’t really understand, but like they say, yeah, the number 666, the number of the beast is considered a symbol of, like the symbol of Antichrist and evil, but then they also claim that it’s like a symbol of the Illuminati.

So apparently the goat is like a symbol, but again, a goat is also supposed to be linked to Satanism.

And so it’s like, again, I don’t really understand the correlation.

You mean like the whole idea is that like, if you want to like talk about the religious, I do know the religious idea of it.

It’s like, you have God, and then Satan was an angel who’s a fallen angel.

And he was banished to hell because he wanted to be the same as God or more powerful.

And God was like, no.

So banishes him to hell.

And so Satan’s whole purpose in his eternal life is to make sure that nobody knows God.

So the idea is that these people sell their souls to Satan, and then they become famous and people worship them instead of worshiping God.

So that’s the whole idea is people do worship these people.

So that’s the whole idea of they sold their souls to Satan.

I do know that one.

I will say that the, so they’re saying a lot of these things, like the 666, the goat, and like the pentagram.

People are like, oh yeah, which again, those are all Illuminati slash Satan symbols.

So there’s really, again, all we know is that there was this Bavarian Illuminati that has been verified.

We have no evidence of any link to like, from these symbols to the Bavarian Illuminati, but somehow this like mythology has just grown and they become this staple.

Oh, we didn’t know those symbols were a part of the beginning.

They were not a part of the beginning.


There’s this alternate perspective about discordianism.

So discordianism began in 1965 when Greg Hale and Carrie Thorne Leon, they used a copy machine in a drug lawyer’s office to make copies of the Principia Discordia.

It claimed that chaos was as important as order.

So they like handed out these pamphlets and kind of created this movement, which went on through the 60s and 70s.

And then Robert Anton Wilson, who was a Playboy editor, and Robert Shea wrote-


He was an editor for Playboy.

Playboy’s involved in this story.

I believe that.

So then Robert Anton Wilson, who was a Playboy editor, and Robert Shea wrote a trilogy called Illuminatus.

It’s linked to on our website.

And this was a novel that incorporated many conspiracy theories of the day.

And the goal was to spread chaos and misinformation.

They attributed a lot of things, like JFK’s assassination, to the Illuminati.

And they claimed that Adam Weissopt, that guy who founded the Illuminati, assassinated George Washington and assumed his identity.

And so really our first president, when they exiled-

That’s not true.

I don’t believe that.

And then they say, if you believe this, then the portrait of George Washington that we see on the dollar bill is actually Weissopt’s face.

Oh my God.

So they think that the belief in the Illuminati that people have now could be explained by psychological factors like the human tendency to find patterns and desire to explain complex social phenomena through simpler narratives involving secretive and powerful groups.

Pop culture references perpetuate the theories.

Works such as the Illuminatis Trilogy and Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons have popularized and fictionalized the idea of horrible secretive Illuminati.

That’s what I was just about to say, Angels and Demons and the Da Vinci Code movie.

Well, and they say kind of like you’re referenced.

Yeah, National Treasure.

National Treasure, that these, because these works have like incorporated, they like mix real historical events.

Like these fictional ones, it just like blurs the lines and in fact conspiracy, and then it makes people like, yeah, to have a hard time differentiating what part of the story is fact or not.

In the Da Vinci Code, it’s very heavily like a lot of Catholicism history.

It was mixed in with it.

I think the whole reason too, that it was important that that guy was a Playboy editor by the way, is that I think that they like wrote stories in Playboy about like, you know, cause Playboy liked to write their articles also, about like the Illuminati and these conspiracy theories was all like part of his trilogy.

And so like, this was all like the 60s and 70s, like just all of this information is kind of getting perpetuated.

And so that’s where they think a lot of the today’s theories come from.

That makes sense.

Okay, so you guys still believe it?

I believe it in, well, I liked Kait’s perspective on it being like, kind of like created to hide what the Freemasons are actually doing.

And I could also see it as like a popularity club for famous people.

That’s the extent of it, from what I can see.

Well, there is something I saw about Kevin Hart and talking to Jay-Z and they talk, like it was captured on video and they’re talking about how like, they made it through the first set of doors, but not the second set of doors.

Like they only made it, no one knows they were talking about, but they’re like, oh, it’s the Illuminati.

Like maybe they made it to like the basic level, but didn’t make it higher, you know?

I don’t know.

Or they made it through the first level of doors of Freemason, right?

Oh, yeah.

That’s probably more likely.

Although I feel like if Jay-Z walked in and was like, I want to be a Freemason, he’d probably get pushed through the-


He’d go up the channels.

No, I’m team, the Illuminati was real in the 1700s and then the Freemasons and whoever, whatever group is actually like part of the New World Order, they’re the ones that were like-

Taking control.

Yeah, it’s a red herring people.


It’s not these eyes and everything, that’s somebody stirring up chaos, just like the Playboy editor.


Okay, well, that’s all I got.

I still stand by my initial-

You don’t think it’s real?

No, I don’t think that, I don’t think that, you know, Katy Perry sold her soul and joined the Illuminati in order to like get a record in fame.

I don’t buy that.



So, all right.

That’s what we got.

Tell us what you guys think.

Read it and weep.

And any other thoughts guys before we go?




Anybody’s got some Illuminati.


You stole that from me.

No, you said it first.

I was just saying it so people knew what you were saying.

Because often we don’t hear Colleen’s little-

Side comment theories.

Until the editing.

And then we’re like dying laughing as we missed it in the moment.

We’re like, that’s so funny.

Megan and I are too busy trying-

Yapping away.

Trying to fight with each other.

Yeah, trying to prove our points.

Okay, Kait, tell them one more time what they should do.

Yeah, scroll on down.

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Yeah, come back next week where it’s not a second part, but it’s a pretty good mystery and the Illuminati is involved.

Oh, I love a mystery.

We will see you all next Tuesday.

See you next Tuesday.