JFK Assassination Part 2: Conspiracy or Not?

November 22, 1963: The President and Vice President are on a campaign tour through Texas in preparation for the 1964 re-election.  Secret Service was told to back off so that the president seemed more “approachable”. While riding in a convertible with his wife, Jackie, Texas governor John Connally, and Connally’s wife, Nellie, they departed Love Field.  The route had been published in the newspaper, and so thousands of residents had gathered along the streets, as the motorcade proceeded through the streets of downtown Dallas.  As it passed through Dealey Plaza at around 12:30 PM, shots rang out from the crowd.  The number of shots and originating location are up for debate, but in the end, Governor Conally and President Kennedy were shot, with Kennedy being pronounced dead approximately 30 minutes later at nearby Parkland Hospital.  Approximately 45 minutes later, Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested.  The 24 year old marine veteran, and employee at the Texas School Book Depository, was accused of shooting and killing police officer J.D. Tippit with a different gun, before hiding out in a movie theater.  Within 2hrs of JFK’s murder, Oswald was in police custody and accused of both murders.  Unfortunately, he was shot while being escorted by police officers 48 hours later.  The gunman of his murder was identified as Jack Ruby, a local club owner with mob connections.  The following day, Kennedy is buried at Arlington National Cemetary.  But was this all tied up a little too neatly? Does the evidence match the public story?  Was JFK really assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone?  Or is there more to the story that has been covered up?