101 Princess Diana’s Death: Tragic Accident or International Conspiracy

On August 31, 1997, Princess Diana was traveling with then partner Dodi Fayed, an Egyptian Film Producer.  Dodi was the son of Mohamed Al-Fayed, a billionaire who owned the Hotel Ritz in Paris, as well as Harrod’s Department Store and Fulham Football Club.  Princess Diana and Fayed left the Ritz Hotel in Paris, just after midnight, accompanied by her bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones, and her driver Henri Paul.  While reportedly fleeing paparazzi, her Mercedes crashed into a concrete pillar in the Alma Tunnel going 60-90 mph.  Princess Diana,  Fayed, and Paul all died, while bodyguard Rees-Jones was critically injured but survived.  At the time of her death, Princess Diana was perhaps the most famous woman in the world, and was in a public battle with the royal family – having divulged intimate details of her marriage which were potentially embarrassing to the monarchy.  A French court ruled in 1999 that the crash was caused by Diana’s driver who was reportedly drunk and speeding.  A three year British Inquiry led by Metropolitan Police Chief John Stevens, agreed with the findings, as did a 2007 inquest with London’s Royal Courts of Justice.  Despite these findings, questions remain… and there are a plethora of theories that the death may have been orchestrated by the Royal Family. 

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